Friday, September 6, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Steward School. 

Dear Families,

Welcome back to school and welcome to third grade!  During the first few days of school we have been sharing and learning about each other and our classroom. The students have been telling me all about the exciting adventures that they had this summer.

 Thank you for promptly returning the parent surveys. You know your child better than anyone.  The information you shared with me will be very helpful.  I look forward to getting to know and work with all of you during the school year.   Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.  I hope to see you all at 6pm on September18 th for our Parent Seminar. 

This year my students will be hearing all about the importance of team work and effective effort.  Our class is a team that will work together to achieve individual goals and group goals.  I ask that you help to enforce this message at home.  Thank you!

We are easing into homework this week.   I will send home a homework agenda each week which the children will fill in on a daily basis.  The agenda should be left in your child’s binder.   Please check the homework folder each night.  I will not give credit for work that is passed in without a name on it so please be sure that your child gets into the habit of writing his or her name on each assignment.  According to our homework policy, homework should take 30 minutes each night which includes 15 minutes of reading.  You will notice each week on the agenda sheet that a reading log will be required as part of their nightly homework.  Please check that your child is recording his or her nightly reading and initial in the space provided in order to receive credit. 

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