Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Guest Blogger Kayla

Hi,I am Kayla I am going to tell you about my school's anti bullying rules. This is one of the posters that some kids made.
Here are some more informational posters.
 I agree that bullying is hurtful.  Never bully!
Some people think bullying is if someone calls you a name, that is not bullying. 
There are three ways to know if someone is really bullying. 
2. intentional
3. Power imbalance 
 If your not sure if it is bullying then ask yourself if they are doing it more than once, if some has more power than you, and if it is on purpose. If the answer is no to any of those questions, then it is not bullying behavior.
Never call someone a bully because behaviors can change just like people.
You should listen to the message of these poster because they give very good advice .

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