Monday, April 27, 2015


Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped make DASH successful! The children were able to reflect on the program and this is what they thought.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re blind or deaf. You’re still the same as everyone else.”- Ella
“Learn to love yourself, even if you’re different” -Sophia
“People who are different can still do the same things as us” -Ben
“If people have disabilities, don’t try to change them”- Natalya
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”- Marco
“You shouldn’t try to change who you are. You are perfect no matter what they say”
-  Katie
“You are perfect just the way you are”
“You are awesome.”
“Even if you are different you can still fit.” –Tessa
“I learned how to make a turtle in sign language.” -John
“People who grew up different than us are still the same as us” –Haylie
“You should admire who you are” -Emily
“Everybody is the same even if they have disabilities” –Avery
“Having a disability or being different is just another way of looking at life.”-Shea
“How to use communication with deaf people” -Owen
“People that have a disability can still do cool things” -Taylor
“You are awesome just the way you are”- Katie
“You are perfect just the way you are” -Evan
‘’Pain is just another reason to try harder” –Shea
“Even if you have a disability you can still do anything.” -Kayla
‘’ It doesn’t matter if you are different.  We are all different” –Katie
“You are fine the way you are. You don’t have to be like everyone else”-Olivia
“We are practically all the same” -Kevin

Learning About Decibels

How loud or soft is the sound?
What is it like to have a hearing impairment?

These are just a few of the questions we thought about.  The children also learned about the challenges a deaf person faces.  As you can tell from the quotes above, the impact of DASH is amazing.  Your children were very thoughtful and will continue to learn about sound for the next couple of weeks.

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