January 2017 Curriculum Update
In math we are learning more about division. The quotient is the answer to a division problem. We can use what we know about multiplication and place values to divide mentally. We are also learning how to use bar models to solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. We will do an introduction into long division. Please note, this is difficult for most students as it is a 4th grade standard. However, we introduce it for those who are ready and to show how important it is to learn your multiplication facts before 4th grade. Students will be expected to learn long division and to know their facts next year.
As always, we are working consistently using comprehension strategies, accuracy, fluency and building vocabulary.We are wrapping up a unit on Traditional Literature. It was great to to hear the children discussing morals and lessons in folktales. This week we read tall tales. Students enjoyed the exaggerations. We also practiced using evidence to support our thinking. Our next genre unit will be nonfiction.Throughout this unit we will learn how specific text features help the reader comprehend.
In writing, we are continuing to create opinion pieces. During our writing block we are working on editing for spelling and grammar mistakes. One way to help your child with grammar errors is by modeling sentences. Try not make a big deal out of a mistake just model the correct way to say something. I notice students still say the incorrect tenses while speaking. I model, “you brought your lunch.” When I hear a child say, “I bringed my lunch.” To help with spelling errors ask your child if a word looks right. You can have them write all the different ways they think a word could be spelled and then ask them to chose the one that looks best.
In Science, we have been using new materials that are part of the programs we are piloting. The children are learning about setting up experiments, keeping track of information and explaining their findings. We will continue to learn about matter, force and motion this month. Mr. Prazar was in this week to do some demonstrations and he will be back several times this month to do some more hands on experiments.
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